
    Jivan Vikas Shikshan Sanstha Risod, Dist-Washim Reg. No. 1531(A)

  • NAAC Accredited " B+ " Grade (CGPA-2.62)

Profile of Marathi Department

  • To develop language skill among students.
  • To create intrst among the student about Marathi language and literature.
  • To devlop reading ,writing skill among student.
  • To devlop creativity like poem,articles,essay writing among the student.
  • To make the student Acquainted with importance of Marathi Literature.
  • To provide excellent knowledge of subject and good facility to the students.
  • To make them understand indian rural Marathi Literature.


Sr No. Discription Download
1 Marathi Compulsory B.Sc Semester I
2 Marathi Compulsory B.Sc Semester II
3 Marathi Compulsory B.A Semester I
4 Marathi Compulsory B.A Semester II
5 Marathi Compulsory B.A Semester III
6 Marathi Compulsory B.A Semester IV
7 Marathi Compulsory B.A Semester V
8 Marathi Compulsory B.A Semester VI
9 Marathi Literature Sem I
10 Marathi Literature Sem II
11 Marathi Literature Sem III
12 Marathi Literature Sem IV
13 Marathi Literature Sem V
14 Marathi Literature Sem VI

List of Students Admitted

Sr No. Discription Download
1 2017-18
2 2018-19
3 2019-20
4 2020-21
5 2021-22


Sr No. Discription Download
1 2017-18
2 2018-19
3 2019-20
4 2020-21
5 2021-22

Publication of research papers

Sr No. Name of Faculty No. of Publication Proceedings Link of Google scholar
National International
1 Mr. K. V. Kokate 0 0 3 Link
2 Mr. S. K. Ingole 8 0 0 Link

Awards & Recognition

Sr No. Discription Download

Conferences, Symposia, Seminars & Workshops

Sr No. Name of Faculty Number of conferences, workshops/webinars attended Refresher/Orientation
Regional State National International
1 Mr. K. V. Kokate 0 5 20 5 1
2 Mr. S. K. Ingole 0 0 19 2 1

Consultancy / Extension / Best Practises

Sr No. Discription Download

Books Published

Sr No. Book Title Authors Publisher Year of publication ISBN No.

Industrial Tour / Educational Tour / Field visits.

Sr No. Tour Title & Description Class Date of Visit Download